The USC ADVANCE Study is a youth behavioral epidemiology research study that aims to better understand adolescent health and well-being.
About the ADVANCE Study
The ADVANCE Study is currently collecting school-based data on causes of teen social behavioral health issues. This is accomplished by surveying two cohorts of students (Class of 2024 and Class of 2025) throughout Southern California over their four years in high school (2020-2024 and 2021-2025). ADVANCE is currently in its 5th year of data collection, with a total of 9 waves of data completed. The study collects data from 11 schools, with approximately 4,400 students participating in the study.
Our survey data provide an evidence-base to drive local policy change that protects youth from drug exposures and guides prevention programs that promote comprehensive well-being.
As of 2025, the Class of 2024 is being surveyed into adulthood. We hope to understand how health behavior patterns may change and fluctuate after students graduate from high school.
ADVANCE Study Timeline, Enrollments & Completions
USC ADVANCE number of enrollment (ENR), survey sample size (N), and completion rate (CR) from Wave 1 to Wave 9.
*Wave 9 includes only the Class of 2025.
Our Partners
Our study is funded by our partners:
NIH/NIDA, R01DA051843, 9/01/2020 – 8/31/2025
NIH/NCI, R01CA229617, 9/1/2019-8/31/2025
NIH/NCI, U54CA180905, 7/19/2021-6/30/2024
TRDRP, T33DT6620, 07/01/2023 - 06/30/2025
NIH/NCI, Pilot Project, 9/1/2019-8/31/2023
NIH/FDA, U54CA180905, 9/1/2018-8/30/2023
NIH/NIDA, K01DA042950-04S1, 4/15/2021-8/31/2022
NIH/NIDA, K01DA042950, 9/1/2017-8/31/2022
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